Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Sick!!

Somebody help me!.. My silly ass went out west lastnite to get my butta's whipped and ended up stopping in this lil candy store. They had alllll the old school candies and cookies and shit and so i purchased a few things. One being, "Hot Crunchy Curls" with nacho cheese and ground turkey! I know it sounds horrid, but it was actually good. So now today i am suffering BIGTIME!! Like running off and vomiting i'm like WTF?? Then my little babe Gavin is still not feeling well..:(. The MD diagnosed him with a "Upper Respitory" infection and he was getting fevers and had no appetite..i was scared to death! Now that the fever's have subsided he is now running off! He's such a little guy and i dont want him to get dehydrated, so i've gotta watch that. I pray it's not "Rotovirus" or something like that, b/c that is a very serious virus. I may just take him back to the E.R tonight..cause i've gotta make sure my main man is well.. So as far as my "romantic life" goes, it's pretty non-existant!. The new "Bo" that i met before i went out of town turned out to be a douche bag as well! Gat Dammit! I cant win for loosing with these muthafuckas!..Nigerians and all. Brief background: I went out and kicked it with him a few weeks ago and had a fucken blast! I mean he's charming too boot!.. and very attentive and stuff while im in his presence. I hooked up with him after work like on a Thursday and didn't make it home til about 2am..we had a ball!!.. But i end up leaving my phone at the bar up north where we were and had him go back and get it. I told him to just bring it down to my job in the a.m.. So when this nicca come to my gig, his face is all screwed up and shit and he's just acting all strange. So i put two and two together and figured he had to have went thru my phone. But when i got the phone there was nothing in it that was incriminating, so i wasn't sure what was with all the attitude. Unless he was ballsy enough to delete my shit! So basically everything went downhill from there. He stopped texting! And then when i text him he would reply hrs later, or sometimes just not at all. I must have missed the conversation when we decided that we were "Exclusive" WTF dude..i'm just really meeting your ass. So i send him some text about how he's being rude and yadda..yadda..yadda..that this will be my last time contacting his ass b/c i aint got time to chase no nicca! He then replies well fine! Have fun with your American and Jamaican boyfriend!.. Yep! He went thru my phone!!.. How he know about my Jamaican friend??.. Lata for you dude, too much drama much too soon.. So yea another one bites the dust!... Bigman left me a msg on TRD saying "I like that profile pic sweetheart..sing me a song!" Silly boy. I still got mad love for "BigMan" but i'm for sure not going backward. I'm focusing on me and my babe. Fucc all these niccas..cause they'll be there. I just gotta focus on getting me and Tuna out that sham of a house and work more on my music..gettting a demo and shit. All these niccas gone look like shit when i'm in Hollywood!..hahaha..whateva nicca right a "Tell All" book or some shit about me!..hahahah Kay that's my piece on this Friday Morning.. Peace.