Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hey there!

So what's new & exciting in the world of ERICA??..Nuthing extreme thats for sure. I've just been working and living and laughing and smoking and singing and writing and playing and praying! And speaking of praying I REALLY I mean REALLY want to work on my relationship with the Lord! I haven't been to church in quite some time and I miss it terribly! I miss that feeling that I have once i'm walking out of church. It soooo sucks not having a car or not even knowing how to drive for that matter! So that is definately on my list of things to do in 2010. I gotta get me and Gavin a ride quick!..b/c his daddy works my dam nerve so much that we cant be in the same space for too long. Like this morning I over slept and had him bring me to work, he all but had a dam baby about the shit! Always pissing and moanin and I dont even ride in that dam car! And its amazing how everytime im in the bitch he needs "Gas Money" Nicca get the hell outta my face! I'm your child's mother for one and for two we live together!! I aint giving yo ass nothing! But see i was nice today and when he pulled up to my gig i handed him a $20 and said "Thanks, here cry baby". You know this fool thew my money on the seat like it wasnt shit and didn't bother to say thanks. He lucky i didnt haul off and slap his ass like i'm sure Rhianna did in that passenger seat of young Chrissy's car, but instead i fixed his money hunrgy ass and politely took my shit back! Then he gets to hollering all out the window, "Well at least give me $5 for gas for having to come all the way down here!." Ummmm..NO! Had your ass acted right you would have had the whole 20! I carried my ass in the building w/o looking back at his ass.. So i'm going to ATL for my bday! Yeeeea boi! Chrissy (Charisma) is out there and we're gonna have us a funky good time! I'm ready lord knows I am! I need a break from this madness. I'll be making a stop in "Florida" tho before i make it to her..hehehehe.. i know i know..but i'm "ME" and the last time i checked i do what i want! He doesn't even know i'll be there...but oh he will. Let's just call it a "Hooch Stop" lil well actually a BIG birthday present to myself..:))))) kay lata..chow!