Monday, July 13, 2009

So I broke!!!

and contacted his ass. I know..i know, but in all honesty i thought that he was commenting about me, when he replied on a "Blog" that someone posted on a different site. Now he already has slandered my name and exposed everything that we did on the internet for all to see. So the wordage he used in his comment rubbed me the wrong way. I just knew that it was about me. So i texted him asking if he was refferring to me and he says, "Girl i was not talking about you. Im not thinking about you. You must just wanted to text me." Now i would be lying if i said his words didnt sting. It would be like a dagger in my young heart to know that he really hasnt been thinking about me. But me being me, refuses to believe that. I'm sure i impacted his life just as much as he did mine. Any hopes of us reconciling is dead tho. Of course i can never just let things go. I've got to have a bigger bite and this is where the text arguing started. Im seriously thinking about shutting down my page. That boy just hurted me so bad, and i was mad at myself b/c i believed him and trusted him and he played me. Crazy cause i was playing other guys for him b/c i liked him so much. Hearing him tell me he loved me and doing all the things that he did for me, it's just so hard too just forget about him. Well maybe this will make it easier, because i swear on everything i love that i will not contact this man again. I pray that he gets what he deserves tho, for messing with women's feelings like this...