Thursday, March 31, 2011

Harry the Haitian!..

Hello there! Long time no Font!.:) Well I chose today to vent about my latest rendevous! So yesterday i decided to go and hang out with one of my Haitian friends "Harry". Now Harry is 35yrs young and honestly, one of the most respectable guys I have met in a loooooong time! For this reason alone I entertain our friendship. I mean I have a host of male platonic friends, i really don't need anymore! It's only a matter of time before they start to get that look in their eyes and want to become more that just "Friends", Be that as it may, there was just something about "Harry" that rubbed me the right way. So yesterday I wasn't feeling like carrying my ass straight home after work so I didn't! I called Harry and asked if he wanted to blow back.. sure he did! Come on ova! So I did. Now i had never been to this mans house, but considering he is 35 I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that you have your shit together!..At least your own place!.. So needless to say i get ova there and this mofo lives in the basement!! Yes the wet dank ass basement of his moms house! So I don't get to judging right then and there.. i wait. So then we go and take a seat in the cold ass dinningroom area with shit thrown all over the fuccen seriously boi??.. At this point i'm STILL no judge.. So he lights incensse Cool. I like Inscense..:) So not even 5 mins into the burning, he gets a loud pound on the door. He excuses himsself and goes to answer it. His MOTHER barges in and starts going HAM on his ass for lighting the inscense!..lmao!! I mean she is PISSED!!. She gets to speaking her native Haitian creole tongue and it is beyond embarrassing!! I hear thuds and things falling..i was actually scared! So like 20mins later he brings his ass back to the dinningroom laughing like the shit's funny when it's totally not!! So now, i'm side eyeing dude like "Really?" I ask, "Did you get in trouble?.." He's like, "Naw it's cool." Hmmmm..okay! So then we flame up and.. all of a sudden the lights go out!!!... *Sighs.. Power outage?..Or you didnt pay the bill?.. Either way i'm blowin this spot!! I'mma need you to getcho shit together with your living situation.. your mom...this inscense issue..and COMED before you invite anymore women over to your basement apartment to blow! Dam Harry!..smh...